Checking Your Grades in Moodle

There are a number of ways to view your grades and instructor feedback in Moodle.

  1. To view your overall grade report for the course, you can use the Grades link found in the Settings block on the left side of your course home page.
    • This displays your personal User Report for grades.
    • For graded items, you should see your grade for the item and any feedback, if provided.
  2. To view a grade on a specific item, you can return directly to that item. For assignments, click on the assignment name and look at the Feedback area at the bottom of the page.
    • You will be able to see the grade for the assignment and any feedback comments or attachments provided by your instructor.
    • Since attachments cannot be accessed directly from the Grades link, it is recommended that you always review each assignment individually. Some instructors are using rubrics, checklists, or marking guides to grade assignments. Those are also only available if you view the original assignment directly or via the Joule Grader.
  3. Occasionally, an instructor uses a feature called the Joule Grader to grade assignments. If so, you will need to go to the Joule Grader yourself for that assignment in order to see any feedback provided.
    • To access the Joule Grader, first click on the item (assignment or forum), and then look for the Joule Grader link in the Settings block on the left side of the course page.
    • Your grade and feedback will display on the right side of the Joule Grader page.
  4. For quizzes/exams, you can click back on the quiz name to see a summary of your attempts.
    • What you are able to see will vary based on what settings your instructor has applied to the quiz.
    • Some may only let you see your score while others may let you see the questions and answers (if so, a Review link will display in the Summary of previous attempts area). Most will not let you see your score or results until after the quiz deadline has passed.  



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